, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TEACHERS LESSON PLANS-Home And Family Management: Labour Saving Devices G7 L-3

Saturday, October 3

Labour Saving Devices G7 L-3

Plan of work for period ending day----month----year----

Lesson: 3
Subject: Home Management
Unit: Resources
Grade: 8
Topic: Labour saving Devices (simple and advanced tools)
Time: Two 90  minutes sessions

A the end of the lesson students should be able to:
1. Differentiate between simple and advanced tools.
2. Give reasons why it is important to use labour saving devices .
     in the home
3. Make two lists one for advanced tools and one for advanced

4. Collect pictures and make a scrap book of simple and .
      advanced tools
5. Draw /label parts of the stove and refrigerator.
6. Clean and pack a refrigerator and clean the stove.
Using the correct tools and equipment not only saves time but gives efficiency
Researching, identifying and classifying tools. Labeling andcleaning of equipment
Focus Question:
Your mother keeps using the greater and the cooking knife to do almost everything in the kitchen, You told her you will give her a blender but she keeps saying that her knife and greater work better. How can you convinced that a blender would of great help to her?

Teaching Method:
Questioning, demonstration, researching, class presentation.
Instructional Aid:
Live props of tools and equipment text book, pictures,
Caribbean Home Economics in Action

Content Outline:

1. Simple tools are usually operated manually while advanced need some form of fuel and mechanical power.
2. Advanced tools are geared at reducing time and energy and usually give a better product or finishing to a  

3. Points to consider when purchasing appliances for the home
a. The size of the family
b. Who will be using the appliance?
c. Cost and performance capabilities
d. Material appliance is made of
e .Warranty and guarantee
f. Do the appliances come with an instructional manual?
4. Useful Labour saving devices use in the home.
a. Vacuum cleaner, floor polisher, washing machine, food mixer food processor, blender juicers , toaster ,    microwave, electric knife, knife sharpener, cream maker, dish washer,


1. Teacher sets out a number of simple and advanced tools and get students to put them in categories of simple and advanced tools.
2. When they are through teacher will get from students the criteria that they used in classifying them.
3. Teacher gets students to name other simple and advanced tools used in the home.
4. Discussion on points to bear in mind when going to buy advanced tools ,equipment and appliances.
6. Students,collect newspaper ads. and brochures ,visit store and report on brand, cost, size, strength and
     availability of appliances

7. Discussion, naming and identifying parts of the stove and refrigerator through the word game I spy;
8. Students separate into groups and unpack, clean and repack the refrigerator, also clean the stoves in the
     .home economics lab
0.  Makeing of a scrap book of simple, semi advanced and advanced tools.

-Observation and recording of  students efficiency in doing practical work and delivery of research report
-Students fill in a simple facts sheet on prosperities of simple and advanced

Author:(Soy Criada)Juliet Christie Murray

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