, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TEACHERS LESSON PLANS-Home And Family Management: Cooking with egg, milk, cheese G8 L-5

Tuesday, October 27

Cooking with egg, milk, cheese G8 L-5

Plan of  work for period ending
day ----month------year-----

Lesson: 5

Subject: Food and nutrition

Unit: Sustaining Forces

Grade: 8

Topic: Cooking with Egg , Milk, and Cheese

Time: Six 30 minutes sessions


At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. List the nutrient value of egg , milk and cheese

2. Explain the physical changes that takes place when egg, milk, and cheese are exposed to heat

3. Make dishes with egg milk and cheese

4. Explain two ways of testing eggs for freshness.

5. Draw and label the parts of the egg.


Eating foods made from Eggs , milk and cheese is one easy way of ensuring that high biological protein is supplied to the body

Cooking of the above foods, organizing, developing recipes,

Focus Question:
Your father eats boiled egg every time he eats eggs, Can you find some other interesting ways of preparing eggs in combination with milk and cheese

Teaching Method:
Questioning, and answer , demonstration, research, grouping , practical exercises

Instructional Aid:
Test book, recipe books eggs, milk, cheese, tools

Food and nutrition, Anita Tull, Home Economics in Action

Content Outline:

-Products make from milk are cheese, creams, dried milk, skim milk. Condensed milk, evaporated milk and Long Life Milk
-Milk shelf life is improved by pasteurization exposing it to high temperature of162°F the cool rapidly 50°F

Is a by product of milk and contain the same nutrients in a more concentrated form
Uses-in cookery garnish, sauces, flans, horsd’oeuvrs, pastry, sandwiches
Types of cheese
Hard processed-(cheddar)Light pressed-(Lancashire)
Acids curds-(cottage cheese)Blue veined-(blue stilton)
Processed cheese, Cream cheese

 Grading Eggs are graded from 1-7 or put into classes A,B,C according to their weight
Nutrient value- Eggs , will give a good supply of protein and calcium, vitamin D, and A, some vitamin B , and fats, but poor in vitamin C.
Testing eggs for freshness: water or light test
Effects of heat  Egg, becomes opaque ,coagulates> thickens, toughens,;brittle and hard to digest.
Function of egg in cooking.
Trapping air-cake making,
Thickening –custards
Lightening-mouse and soufflĂ©’s.
Binding—fish balls, meat loaf
Coating- fried fish, chicken
Glazing- baked produce
Enriching-pudding,pastry etc


1. Teacher ask for a show of hands to indicate who like egg ,milk, and cheese
2. Class discussion on dishes that student know which have in these foods.
3. Experimenting with all three food to see how they react when exposed to heat taking note of the presence of protein.
4. Making of egg custard using milk and egg, using all three foods to make scrambled eggs and omelets.
5. Teaching of the different uses of eggs, using recipe books to find examples
6. Setting up experiment to test freshness of eggs.
7. Setting up experiment to show why eggs should not be eaten raw because can invade egg through the preamble shell.
8. Students copy diagram and label the parts of an egg.
9. Creating and making dishes with egg milk and cheese.
10. Take home exercise -Making of cards with functions of egg and a dish to match

Evaluating egg , milk and cheese dishes made by students,
Simple quiz e.g. explain how could I protect fish cakes from breaking while cooking

Author:(Soy Criada) Juliet Christie Murray

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