, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TEACHERS LESSON PLANS-Home And Family Management: Fibres

Monday, December 28


Plan of Work for Period Ending Day----Month------Year

Lesson: 9

Subject: Clothing and Textile


Grade: 9

Topic: Fibers

Time: Two 90 minutes sessions

Objectives: At the end of the lesson student should be able to:

1.Tell what are fibres

2. Name Fibres of fibres

3. Classify fibres using burning test

4> Write some of the characteristics of named fibres


It is important to know about fibres so as to make the right choice when constructing an item and also to ensure proper laundering

Skills: Classifying fibers experiment and recording findings

Focus Question:

You plan to make a table runner for your mother , What is the best fabrics you would use?

Explain why , supporting your choice with your knowledge of the characteristics of the fibre

That makes up the fabric

Teaching Method: Experimenting, research, discussion Questioning,

Instructional Aid: Bunsen burner , fibers of various types , report sheet

Reference: Text ,Home Economic in Action , other supporting texts

Content Outline:

!. -Fibres are classified according to the source from which they come

-Natural fibres come from natural sources which maybe animals or plants

Manmade fibres come from are are manufactured fibres

2.Plant fibres are fibres that come from plants they are reffered to vegetable or cellulose

Because the are composed from woody vegetable substances called cellulose.

fibres from plants include cotton from the cotton plant, flax from the flax plant, hemp from hemp stem., sisal from the leaves of the agrave plant, coir from coconut husk, jute, from the jute plant, pina, from pineapple leaves.

Fibres From Animals sources are also called protein fibres, these include silk from the cocoon of the silk worm, wool from sheep, hair fibres such as mohair. The best quality hair fibre comes from the Merino sheep.

Mineral Fibres these include asbestos which comes from rock. It is however no longer recommended for clothing, metallic fibres which are made from metals. glass fibres.

Man made fibres are also called synthetics are manufactured with the use of chemical. They may be made from only chemicals substances or mixed with natural substances. To produced what is called regenerated fibres. E.g. glass is manufactured from sand but the fibre is restricted only to household articles and furnishing.

Some others are Nylon viscose, acetate triacetate, polyester, acrylic ,and modacrylic.

Identifying of Fibres: this is done in several ways

1. Visual inspection this is the first step and is not a very accurate method as many manmade fibres are made to look like natural fibres.

2. Length of Fibres are made from staple fibres but some can be twisted into filament fibres

If a yarn is untwisted you will see the length of, cotton, wool ,length of the staple fibres

3. Sheen lusture or lack of lusture can be easily determined by sight and touch.

4. Texture the weight and texture of fibres can be identified by sight and toucg you can feel if the fabric is soft m coarse, soft, smooth, stiff or flexible.

5. Burning test this is used to identify the chemical composition of a fibre. The way the fibre behaves when a flamed and the results after burning will give an ideaof its origin whether it is natural or man made

                  Fibers and the burning test




Silk (pure





Viscose rayon

Flame reaction

burn quickly,
 with yellow flamme

burns slower
than cotton
yellow ,flame

burns melts                           

small slow
flickersm sizzles
and curl

melts and burns

burns slowly,

flame rappidly
splutters and

burns quickly,

burning paper

burning paper

burning hair or

smells like

small like celery

like burning meat

slightly sweetish

like burning meat


Light  feathering
grey ash
 black if

ash feathery
grey ask

round crisp
shinny black

crisp dark ash
irregular shape

shape crushes

round hard ,
grey  beads

round  hard

light grey
feathery ash


-Teacher brings scrap book of sample of fabric to class allow student to observe and touch them.

-Revision of natural fibres done in grade seven .Class discussion on how to obtain these fibres

-Teacher allows students to carry out burning test and record findings.

-Students will be give names of fabric to research their characteristics apart from what they found from the burning test.

Student will be asked to complete table below explain the fabrics they would choose to make a particular article


article natural manmade Reason of choice Name of fabric

Kitchen towel √ Absorbs water, cheap cotton

Table cloth √ Crisp heavy linen

curtain √ Crease resistant

Dries easily polyester

-Making the 48 game fibre cards

Play game matching fibres to properties

Complete the table


Kitchen towel

table cloth





man made




absorbs water,cheap

crisp, heavy

crease resistant






Answering question on lesson by filling in the missing letters in related words, and completing sentences.

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